Chemical Engineering, Public Health, and COVID-19

Dr. Bob Tota

Please join us via Zoom on Thursday, December 9, 2021, beginning at 7:00 PM EST.


This talk will present a qualitative overview of some relationships between applications of chemical engineering and aspects of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Basic concepts in public health will be briefly presented with respect to Covid-19 epidemiology, human and SARS-CoV-2 biology, and Covid-19 disease transmission, testing and treatment. Principles in chemical engineering in these domains will be discussed as will the chemical engineer’s role in future pandemic prevention and management.

Corona Virus
Corona Virus
Virus Transmission


Dr. Robert Tota

Robert Tota is a physician, internist/cardiologist, with graduate degrees in public health and chemical engineering. Upon graduating from New York Medical College in 1986, he completed his residency in internal medicine and fellowship in cardiovascular disease at Westchester County Medical Center. His career experience in medicine is across multiple venues including medical research at the basic science level during his residency and fellowship training, clinical research while employed in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical practice in both private and public sectors, and education of medical students and post-graduate residents and fellows. He obtained a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2011. In recent years he has been engaged in community public health activities in the greater Bridgeport, CT area and has taught public health to both undergraduate health science and graduate engineering students at Manhattan College. Bob obtained an MS in chemical engineering from Manhattan College in 1978 and subsequently worked as a process design engineer for the C.E. Lummus Company, where he developed expertise in synthesis gas generation and processing, before he began his medical career. He lives in Fairfield, CT with his wife, Vivien, a hospice nurse supervisor. They have two children, twins, Robert and Catherine who are 2019 graduates of Syracuse University.